Private jet empty leg flights: Redefining access to high end travel.


Jul 1, 2024

15 min read

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    Empty-leg flights redefine traditional access to the private jet lifestyle. Offered by charter companies to make repositioning flights more efficient and sustainable, empty legs also help put private jet flights within reach for many executives and frequent flyers.

    These types of deadhead flights help you seize on an impromptu getaway or make an unexpected urgent meeting. While this type of booking means passengers need to have more schedule flexibility, you’ll still experience all the comforts and premium services you’d expect from flying via private jet.

    Below, we unpack all the details of private jet empty-leg flights, including tips for finding the best deals, how to book, and what to expect when you step on board.

    What is an empty-leg flight?

    Empty-leg flights (sometimes called deadhead or ferry flights) are private jet flights scheduled to fly without any passengers. These flights are a means to reposition the aircraft for a future flight or return it to its home base.

    In the private jet sector, empty-leg flights are commonplace, especially for charter companies. Since the aircraft would fly empty regardless, charter operators often offer these empty-leg flights at significantly discounted rates compared to regular private jet charter.

    Empty legs are offered to make operations more efficient and cover operational expenses like fuel and crew costs. Usually, these flights are only available on short notice as one-way missions.

    They make the industry more sustainable and open up the skies to people who may never have thought a private jet lifestyle possible. Although empty legs are inherently less flexible than a traditional charter, they are an excellent way to experience the exclusivity of private jet travel.

    The advantages of private jet empty-leg flights.

    Many of the same benefits of conventional private jet charters apply to empty-leg charters. Chartering a private jet via either channel offers more convenience, freedom, and comfort than
    any comparable business class booking on a commercial flight.

    Premium in-cabin comforts.

    Booked on the same jets as traditional charters, it goes without saying that you’ll experience the same cabin comforts.

    World-class customer experience.

    From the moment you connect with the Volato team during booking, you can expect an unparalleled customer experience. With a single point of contact to answer all your questions, a top-notch ground and cabin crew, plus two Volato pilots on every flight, we manage every aspect of your mission with exceptional attention to detail.

    inside private jet

    Passenger privacy and discretion.

    When you charter a private jet, a greater level of privacy is baked into the experience — and chartering an empty-leg flight is no different. Because you book the entire jet, you share the cabin with only the guests you choose. You also won’t need to navigate an airport with thousands of other passengers. Beyond the fixed-base operator’s customer service team and Volato’s crew, you’ll encounter only a few others on your journey.

    Reduced fares.

    The major appeal of an empty-leg flight is undeniably the fare. Private jet empty-leg prices are noticeably lower than traditional charters. Volato’s Daily Deals are priced to make our charter services sustainable and efficient, translating to savings passed on to our empty-leg clients.

    How to find and book empty-leg flights.

    Finding empty-leg flights isn’t as difficult as it once was. With growing interest in this more affordable way to fly privately, there are more ways than ever to find and book these online.

    Where should you start? Check out our Daily Deals for a complete listing of Volato’s empty-leg flights.

    Here, you’ll find our upcoming empty-leg openings, updated daily. Listed by date, destination, and price, you never know when you’ll find the perfect match for that last-minute unexpected business meeting a few cities over or a flight that makes your impulsive weekend plan a reality.

    See a flight you like? Booking an empty-leg flight with us has never been easier. Send us your inquiry with just a few details (name, contact details, flight details), and our customer service team will take it from there.

    Tips for finding the best daily deals.

    Tip #1: Sign up for daily updates.

    By their very nature, empty-leg flights are constantly changing. An empty-leg schedule is a living one, with new flights posted regularly while others get booked up. Stay on top of what’s available by signing up for Volato’s Daily Deals delivered to your inbox every morning. With the latest offers hitting your inbox, you’ll never miss an empty-leg opportunity.

    Tip #2: Keep a flexible schedule.

    Empty-leg flights are designed to make traditional charter flights more efficient by filling in the repositioning portion of previously booked trips. To snap up an empty leg, you’ll want to stay open to what’s posted. Maybe you book that last-minute trip to St. Augustine rather than to Miami or leave tomorrow rather than next week. Staying flexible keeps your options open.

    Private jet empty leg schedule

    Tip #3: Lean into your impulsive side.

    With empty legs posted only a few days before takeoff, you’ll want to lean into your spontaneous nature. Have your bags mentally packed, and be ready to clear your schedule to make that last-minute private jet flight out of the city possible.

    Safety and reliability of private jet empty leg flights.

    Private jet flights are safe, whether they have a full cabin or an empty one. Whether you’ve chartered a jet through conventional means or landed an empty-leg deal, the jet’s safety and reliability will remain the same.

    The Federal Federal Aviation Authority (FAA) regulates all private jets in the US, which are certified by Part 91 (covering privately owned) and 135 (covering chartered private jet services) of the Code of Federal Regulations. The FAA regulates maintenance, inspections, and even aircraft crew.

    Plus, charter operators and aircraft management companies may choose to go further to maintain their fleet to the highest possible safety standards. There are a handful of established international third-party organizations setting additional safety standards, including:

    • International Standard for Business Aircraft Operations (IS-BAO)
    • Air Charter Safety Foundation (ACSF)
    • Aviation Research Group US (ARGUS)
    • Wyvern

    At Volato, passenger and crew safety is our number one priority. We’ve achieved the highest possible ARGUS (Platinum) certification and are now an IS-BAO Stage 3 operator. Whether you are a fractional owner, a Volato Insider member, or an empty-leg charter client, we are committed to your safety.

    Environmental considerations.

    For many of the country’s top executives and high-net-worth individuals, business and life wouldn’t be possible without the freedom and flexibility that private jet travel affords. But that doesn’t mean this lifestyle can’t be more sustainable.

    According to one report, approximately 41% of flights have empty legs, meaning that operators industry-wide should focus on filling these flights to improve the sector’s environmental impact.

    At Volato, we strive to make every flight efficient. This is one of the main reasons we offer ongoing Daily Deals for our empty-leg flights on our national fleet of HondaJets.

    We also go one step further to offer the most efficient solutions in private aviation. We are the only Part 135 operator to offset 100% of CO2 emissions on every gallon of fuel used in our HondaJet fleet. Our partnership with 4 AIR delivers real, verified, and audited results. We are proud to offer the most efficient solutions in private aviation.

    Private jet empty leg flight

    Empty-leg flights with Volato, making your private jet dreams a reality.

    Empty-leg flights are just one more way to book a private jet. With the same jets, premium amenities, and attention to detail as conventional charters, empty-leg flights are another way to experience this lifestyle but at a much-reduced rate.

    Are you ready to jump on that next spur-of-the-moment private flight? Sign up for Volato’s Daily Deals to discover your next spontaneous getaway.

    Disclaimer: This post is intended for informational purposes only. Volato is not responsible for omissions or inaccuracies in such information, or for data that is no longer accurate due to delay, change in law, rules, or regulations.